Steven Frossard will sit out the Grand Prix events of Portugal and Brazil to give the fractured metatarsal in his left foot the extra time it needs to fully heal.

Dirt Bike Rider’s April cover star has now set his sights on a return to racing for Monster Energy Yamaha in time for his home GP at Ernee on June 9.

The 2011 MX1 World Motocross Championship runner-up had expected to be on the factory Yamaha for round six of seventeen this weekend at Agueda but after a complication in which the bone in his foot has re-broken, #183 now needs to recuperate and cease physical exercise for a short period.


Frossard initially believed his injury was improving after a pin was inserted to stabilise the break and then he sat out the trip to Bulgaria two weeks ago to focus on rehabilitation. X-rays showed the fracture around the pin was calcifying sufficiently but while following doctor’s advice to start cycling this week the bone was not as strong as first believed.

Joel Roelants will continue to front Yamaha’s efforts in the premier class of the FIM Motocross World Championship and the team are excited to get to Agueda with Christophe Charlier and Dean Ferris focussed on the MX2 GP podium.