After a successful second running of their ‘Rock it ’til Sundown’ Summer MX classic, Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club have announced their date for the third running of their UK event in 2020.
So get your diary out and jot down the date of Wednesday, August 5 2020.
For 2020 the event will have a revised format for the evening racing and some fun new elements and like the venue, will be revealed soon.
In addition to the event itself, the following day there will be a ‘boot camp’ training day with a couple of pro riders.

Along with pro riding training techniques, they’ll also offer fitness advice from a physical trainer, mental preparation and media training will also be given.
Further information will be announced in the coming months along with the pricing and entry details for both events.
The founding members of the Steel Hawk Motorcycle Club – Jeff Perrett, Paul Oughton and Julie Coyne – are not stopping there. “After deciding to get this motorcycle club out there and up and running it’s been a good two years for Rock it ’til Sundown,” said Jeff. “So now we’re established and have a foundation to build on, it’s time to do just that.

“We have plans for a few new and different events and we’ll be rolling some of them out for 2020. We haven’t finalised the details just yet but we’re not too far away from that and as soon as we have we’ll be announcing our full events calendar for 2020.
“We’re excited about it and have been working hard on it so hopefully it will all be signed and sealed soon and then it’s up to us to deliver a fun, safe event for all.”
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