The ACU Motocross Committee has concluded a meeting between the major promoters of the main ACU National Championships today and are now able to confirm provisional 2015 calendar dates for the Maxxis ACU British Motocross Championship, the GT Cup, the ACU British Youth Nationals and the UK MX Nationals. Read on for all the 2015 dates…

Full press release

The ACU Motocross Committee are pleased to announce that following a very successful meeting between the major Promoters of the main ACU National Championships at the ACU’s Rugby headquarters on Wednesday, the ACU are able to confirm a full season of Motocross racing for ACU members will be available in 2015.


The meeting was designed specifically to ensure there will be no date clashes between three very important series which all run under the ACU banner. Representatives from the GT Cup, MX Nationals and British Youth Nationals all convened with the Motocross Committee and a calendar has been produced to allow riders to ride in all three championships if they wish as date clashes have been avoided.

This positive outcome means that ACU members now have the chance to compete in up to 18 ACU Championship events during the 2015 season, making the purchase of an ACU competition licence for the coming season great value for money.

It was agreed that with a reasonable distance between event venues, the GT Cup series would be allowed to clash with the Maxxis ACU British Championship rounds, but this is specifically because the GT Cup is aimed more at the Clubmen rider which has proved very successful in the past.

By allowing the GT Cup to run on the same weekend as the Maxxis ACU British Motocross Championship, this has left space in the calendar for other events to take place during the 2015 season.

ACU Motocross Chairman, Brian Higgins was pleased with the outcome of the meeting: “This is an opportunity for all ACU Licence holders to have a full season of National Motocross with just one licence. We hope that the FIM World Championship calendar will not change too much as we would like to change this from a provisional to a confirmed list of dates as soon as possible. Obviously, we realise that Club and Regional Championships are also important but we have released the dates early to enable other organisers to plan their year.”

During the meeting it was also agreed that each organiser has had approval granted for some specific classes to be introduced and again the MX Committee felt that these would enhance each series even further. The individual Promoters will release details shortly.

Higgins concluded by saying, “We really feel confident that we have achieved a stable environment for Motocross riders to enjoy a full season with the ACU in 2015.”

2015 Maxxis ACU British Motocross Championship (Subject to FIM MXGP Calendar)

15 March
5 April
3 May
7 June
28 June
19 July   
23 August
20 September
Reserve Date 5 October

2015 GT Cup

14/15 March
4/5 April
2/3 May
6/7 June
27/28 June
18/19 July
22/23 August
Reserve Date 19/20 September 

2015 ACU British Youth Nationals

18/19 April
9/10 May
13/14 June
25/26 July
15/16 August

2015 UK MX Nationals 

21/22 March
16/17 May
30/31 May
11/12 July
8/9 August
5/6 September